TMI Wireless, a favorite business opportunity of mine.

TMI Wireless - A free affiliate site to join promoting cell phones.One of my most favorite business opportunities is TMI Wireless. I really like it because it is free to join. There are so many opportunities out there that cost an arm and a leg to get started in. This is before you even make any money with them. It seems to be successful in any business opportunity you have to be good at referring other people.

Anyway, back to why I like TMI Wireless. Ok, it is 100% free to join. You can make $50.00 for every cell phone plan you sell. It’s easy to refer other people because it doesn’t cost them anything to join. You make $10.00 for every cell phone plan your affiliates sell two levels deep. That’s pretty cool. If customers buy accessories you’ll get a percentage of the earnings as well. And finally, you get your own affiliate website, no monthly charges included!!!

Now imagine over time that you are able to refer 100 affiliates under you. This can’t be too difficult since it is 100% free to join. Let’s say out of your 100 affiliates, 5 of them are pretty good and selling on average about two plans a month. You will be making $100 a month, that’s $1,200 a year with this free business opportunity.

You can also buy your own cell phone with a plan through your own affiliate site and make $50.00. That’s like getting a $50.00 price reduction off your phone.

I almost forgot to mention that they have their own customer support phone number. So if you refer someone to your affiliate site, they won’t bother you. They’ll end up calling the 1-800 number on your site. They also have some of the best deals on T-mobile, At&t, Sprint, Verizon Wireless, and Nextel phones out there.

Cell phones aren’t going away. Why not tap into the cell phone industry and build your own customer base with TMI Wireless.

I have more business opportunities like this one listed at my business opportunity page, feel free to take a look.

**Disclaimer – Affiliate links are used on this post.

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