Sign up with Clickers Jamboree and not only will you get a free 100 hits to your website, you’ll also get a $10.00 sign up bonus as well. Clickers Jamboree is one of my favorite free manual traffic exchanges because because of their new hover technology which makes it very easy to surf for credits on their website. Basically all you have to do is just put your mouse over the website and that counts as proof that you’ve viewed the website properly.
Clickers Jamboree offers a 2:1 traffic exchange ratio. This means that for every two sites you surf in the manual exchange, you’ll get one hit back to your website in the traffic exchange. It would be better if it was a 1:1 ratio traffic exchange, but not everything is perfect in this world. One other thing to note is that there is a 10 second timer in the exchange. That isn’t too long to wait.
Another good thing about Clickers Jamboree is that they pay via Paypal or Alertpay. This helps members that may be internationally based and can’t get access to Paypal. So Clickers Jamboree is 100% free to join and anyone can join worldwide as long as they can read and write English.
The last thing I’ll not about Clickers Jamboree that kind of set it apart from other traffic exchanges is that you don’t have to surf a certain number of websites in order for your account to become active. This means as soon as you sign up you will be able to take advantage of the 100 free hits to your website. This is a big deal to me, I always hate having to surf a bunch of websites just to become active as a member. I can see why traffic exchanges do this though. It really helps them keep traffic flowing throughout their exchanges.
If you like what Clickers Jamboree has to offer as a traffic exchange that offers a sign up bonus, then take a look at my other free advertising sites that pay a sign up bonus for joining.
**Disclaimer – Affiliate links are used on this post.
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