Don’t be a paid to click or paid to read email scam victim, just check the advertiser section

Don't get scammed by paid to click websites, check the advertising section of the website to make sure.I wanted to inform you of a simple trick that will save you time and the possibility of getting ripped off by a paid to click or a paid to read e-mail company. Here is the simple trick folks, if you see a paid to click or a paid to read e-mail website say they will pay you anywhere for 25 cents to $1.00 plus per click or e-mail read, the outlying business opportunity is more than likely a scam or rip off.

Here is the reason why, simply know and understand that if the advertising company you signed up with is paying their members 25 cents to $1.00 per click or e-mail read, how much could they possibly be charging their advertising clients to advertise with them?

This question puts everything out in the open. Think about it, let’s say the paid to click or paid to read e-mail company you signed up with pays $1.00 per click. In order for this advertising company to make a profit off of their advertisers they would at the minimum charge their clients a 1 cent surcharge per click. Let’s say the advertiser wants 1,000 hits to his/her website. What’s 1,000 x $1.01? The answer = $1,010.00. This means the advertiser paid $1,010.00 = $1.00 for every member’s click and a $10.00 admin fee to the website. Seriously, do you think you would pay this much for 1,000 measly hits? Of course not.

This is why I’m writing this article. If you see a paid to click or paid to read e-mail site that pays an unusually high amount per click or read, you better go directly to their advertising section and see how much they charge their advertisers to advertise on their website. Then you’ll know right away whether or not their paid to click or paid to read site is a scam or not. If the numbers don’t add up to a profit for the site you are a member of, it most definitely is a scam.

I wouldn’t be doing you any justice if I didn’t at least show an example or two. I wonder how long these money making sites will last with their bogus earning claims. Big Money PTC = $1.00 per click to members and only charge their advertisers $3.00 per 1,000.00 clicks. This just doesn’t add up. Rich PTC = $1.00 per click to members and only charges their advertisers $3.00 per 1,000.00 clicks.

You don’t have to be a math wiz to know that these sites equal a big rip off!!!! Legit paid to click and paid to read e-mail sites usually will pay their members 1 cent per click to way less than 1 cent per click. This really sucks, but unfortunately makes sense as far as a successful business model is concerned. You can only charge advertisers so much per click and the member’s return on investment has to match up with that advertiser’s advertising costs.


  1. Thank you for keeping me aware on this info. This would help me on how to rid from scammers!

  2. Hello!

    Very nice blog! very much detailed.

    I have been trying to earn some money online by joining many kinds of sites (freelance, PTC) and I have been fairly successful until now. I have made about

    600$ and I am still trying to find more effective ways. I just started a blog some weeks ago.

    You can find my blog here.

    You can send me some of your own experiences at :

    And I will publish them after I investigate their validity.

  3. robert says:

    Check out
    these sites are all scams. They pay well do-not pay from $5 TO $100 A email.

    But only advertize them selfs to upgrade/or buy referals.

  4. Emory Carne says:

    Let the debate commence!

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  6. Dan Kelly says:

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  7. I just checked my Google Chrome and my RSS feed works just fine.

  8. Oscar Bunche says:

    this is significant

  9. Love the design of this blog!

  10. FYI, I can’t see this correctly on the latest Montif browser.

  11. awesome stuff, cheers man

  12. now see, this kind of stuff simply isn’t going to make sense

  13. what goes up, should come down?

  14. Luigi Fulk says:

    Thank you for this interesting post.It really saved my day searching for the right answer.

  15. Megan Ally says:

    there isn’t really a very fast way of making money. you need time to earn more both online and offline.;;’

  16. Rachel Price says:

    there are so many scams running on the internete so watch out…

  17. Anna Allen says:

    making money always takes time specially in the internet, you have to exert some good amounts of effort to earn more.`.’

  18. Abdul Rasheed says:

    I have joined many websites that pay for clicking or reading e-mail. I have completed their targets, but they have not payed me any money. This are all frauds!

  19. Megan Ally says:

    Making money fast is quite difficult but with perseverance and determination, it can always be done.

  20. Alfie Davies says:

    there are literally tons of scam on the internet today so watch out.;.

  21. making money fast requires lots of skill and also time`*~

  22. Jennifer says:

    i think that it is very difficult to make money in a very fast way

  23. i think that making money fast needs a lot of resources and hardwork :*-

  24. steve wood says:

    am trying to do my homework on the ptc people and am a member of “Rich PTC” so i deeply appreciate your article,to shed light on the subject. please feel free to contact me with legit jobs, Thanks !

  25. steve wood says:

    AS a by the way,lighting bux ptc,says they have a $150 payout that turns out to be “$500”, and there “you will be paid in 24 hours” has me waiting 8 days later now…..dadsgreenhouse69@yahoo

  26. In the Internet World there’s no shortcuts. Everybody or anyone needs to dedicate time and effort. We can be proud of ourselves that we earn money in our hard work and and dedication to what we are doing. I hope the scammers know this.

    Unstoppable Entrepreneur Bonus

  27. Rich PTC sounds like another Paid to Click site where the only one getting rich is the owner of the site.

  28. Ptc Sites says:

    nowadays their are many revealing scam ptc sites beware.

  29. I agree with the writer, check the advertiser tab and know the admin, review the site before you trust any PTC.

  30. Paid to click programme is one of the making money opportunity that people try but leave it after seeing that they do not making as much as they predict. They actually do not have a right method to recruit their clickers army. Well, we are in the same interest, hope that we can change people’s mind to know more how to get a steady income through PTC programme. Cheers!

  31. Abid Salehin says:

    Is bigmoneyptc scam? Many website say that that is a scam site. Please help me.

  32. I would not be surprised if it is a scam especially if a lot of other people online are saying it is.