Archive for June 2009

Should you buy traffic from a free traffic Exchange?

We all know that traffic exchanges, no matter how big or small the traffic exchange site may be, do deliver a good source of free quality traffic to your website. In my opinion though, I have had bad experiences buying traffic from traffic exchanges. To buy or not to buy traffic from a free traffic […]

Why Hits4pay makes cents – Get paid to click on ads and a sign up bonus

FYI: Hits4pay is no longer available I’ve been a member of Hits4pay since I started attempting to make money online back in 2005. Take a look at one of my Hits4pay payment proofs I received not too long ago. It’s not for a huge amount of money, but the payment proof shows the validity of […]

TMI Wireless is a great free cell phone affiliate company – see payment proof

I’ve been a free a affiliate with TMI wireless for some time now. I really don’t do much with TMI Wireless except buy my cell phones through them and earn a commission by doing so and promote the TMI Wireless affiliate opportunity on my main website. Well, I checked my mail today and received a […]

Don’t be a paid to click or paid to read email scam victim, just check the advertiser section

I wanted to inform you of a simple trick that will save you time and the possibility of getting ripped off by a paid to click or a paid to read e-mail company. Here is the simple trick folks, if you see a paid to click or a paid to read e-mail website say they […]

Cash Solos is a new traffic site offering a sign up bonus

I found yet another sign up bonus site. Cash Solos is currently offering new free members a $5.00 sign up bonus and a free pro membership. The only downside to Cash Solo’s promotion is that it will potentially go away once they have reached 1,000 members. Let’s hope this isn’t the case though. Until then, […]

Another commission payment proof from Pre-Paid Legal

I was surprised to check my mail today and see a check from Pre-Paid Legal.  The reason I was surprised is because I haven’t done a thing with my Pre-Paid Legal business since then end of 2008. I was working the business semi hard and referred a few new associates and a few more memberships […]

Become an affiliate with Learning Things and get a $200.00 sign up bonus

That’s right, you heard me, an amazing $200.00 sign up bonus is being offered to future affiliates of Learning Things. Not only do you get to benefit from the very gracious $200.00 sign up bonus, but you’ll also earn a 10% commission off all your sales as an affiliate with Learning Things. Learning Things is […]

Blogger and WordPress are the best recommended blogging software to use

If you want to start up a blog, but aren’t sure which blogging software or site to build your blog with, I got the answers you need here. I’m going to make this easy for you and limit your choices to the two best blogging development websites out there. Of course this is just my […]