I ran into another traffic website entitled World Solos that is offering a free $5.00 sign up bonus for joining. This particular text ad exchange is a very new site with less than 100 members at the time of this article.
Since World Solos is new, they are trying to increase their membership base by offering the free $5.00 sign up bonus. Unfortunately, the sign up bonus isn’t automatic. You have to contact the World Solo’s support team and ask for the sign up bonus. I contacted World Solos the day I signed up and the sign up bonus was in my back office the same day.
With under 100 members, don’t expect a lot of traffic from World Solos right away. You will get 500 points when you sign up as well. I hate that these traffic sites always redirect you when you log in. I mean, I don’t mind if I’m redirected to one ad before going to my back office, but 2 or 3 redirects is a little bit of over kill to me. What do you think?
At World Solos you can post different text and html ads with your free credits. That’s pretty much the extent of it. Unless you want to buy advertising from World Solos, which I don’t recommend, that’s what you’re going to get. You can actually use the $5.00 sign up bonus you get to purchase advertising with World Solos. Wait until their membership base grows a little more first. I like that you can trade your commissions for points to advertise on the site.
That was a great idea for the site. This makes your $5.00 sign up bonus immediately available for use. You really don’t have to wait to use the sign up bonus. Check out some more free advertising sign up bonuses and get free traffic to your sites.
**Disclaimer – Affiliate links are used on this post.
I am not sure what this will do but i am going to try it. maybe you should too.