I was recently invited to an Organo Gold business overview meeting in my local area. I figured I would go so I could have a new topic to talk about on my blog and since I haven’t been to a networking event in a little while, why not get out of the house for a bit and do something different for a change.
I have to tell you I was impressed with the organization of the event. I got a little name tag after signing in, but the best part was the free cup of Organo Gold coffee. It actually tasted pretty good and I wanted another one after I was done.
I learned a few things about the coffee industry at the event. Like how McDonalds got an idea how to increase sales by adding McCafe to their current restaurants. They apparently got the idea from Starbucks. The point is that the coffee business is a multi-billion dollar industry and if you decide to join Organo Gold’s company you’ll have a vehicle to catch a small fraction of the bid on some of those billions of dollars; if you can steal customers from the Companies mentioned above.
Everyone likes coffee right? What about coffee that “could” help you lose weight, or “could” help you stay healthy. I use the use “could” because there is no actual proof that Organo Gold coffee is able to do these things, but it is being claimed by many I hear.
Speaking of the presentation, something else I thought was interesting is that I was told that timing is everything in this type of business, “Now is the perfect time to get into the coffee business!” The Company is currently only 3 years old so their are risks it could go away in the future with one simple lawsuit. The other thing is that coffee has been around for hundreds of years so there is a lot of competition out there arleady, but it’s coffee, who doesn’t like coffee and there are risks to joining any type of network marketing business. No Company is perfect, but no coffee is imperfect! Just kidding.
The initial investment to become a business partner of Organo Gold is $49.95 at the current moment. That is basically for administration costs and getting your website set up. Not bad, I like Companies that are inexpensive to join. But I’m not done, on top of that fee you need to chose one of three levels concerning what percentage of profits you are able to share with the Company on your monthly sales.
Of course if I were to join I would chose the cheapest level which is $150.00, that’s just because I’m a cheap. The most expensive investment to get the most percentage of sales revenue is $1,245.00 at the current moment. Now this coffee is starting to get expensive. I actually checked out the pricing on the individual products and after shipping costs it’s probably cheaper to go to your local store for a cup of joe.
You need to ask yourself, “How much do I spend per month on coffee?” Well, if you ask me how much I spend it’s definitely under $30.00 a month. I usually buy one of those big jugs of Maxwell House Coffee and will occasionally have a mocha at Starbucks. That’s more than enough coffee for me to survive.
If you’re willing to spend a little bit more per month on coffee, somewhere around the $50.00 per month range and drink healthier coffee that you can produce a residual income on 7 different ways, than Organo Gold is what you’re looking for. Because none of those other Companies will actually pay you to get customers to them. Just like when you share with someone a good movie you watched and then they go out and watch it, you don’t get a cut of the movie ticket sale.
One last thing I would like to mention about the meeting. I was impressed with all the Sapphire earners that were at the meeting. These are apparently individuals who made it to a certain level of sales volume per month to earn a paid for vehicle. Impressive. There were about 12-15 of them out of a room of about 70 current members and guests. That’s proof that this is a legit business opportunity that you can make money in if you work at it.
They are also growing their international base in other Countries making this biz a worldwide opportunity. Let me know what you think of Organo Gold or if I made any mistakes in the above article about Oragano Gold, please let me know and correct me by leaving a comment.