Posts Tagged ‘Business Opportunity’

Focus on one business opportunity at a time

These days, there are so many business opportunities to choose from that it makes your head spin. It’s almost like every week you see a couple new ones you’ve never heard of before. This makes it very easy and tempting to sign up for as many as you can, especially if they are free. If the […]

Difference between the $49.00 and the $249.00 Pre-Paid Legal compensation plan

Pre-Paid Legal recently came out with a new compensation plan in 2009. I just wanted to quickly go over the differences between the old $49.00 start up fee verses the new $249.00 start up fee. We’ll start off with the old start up plan. The $49.00 Pre-Paid Legal plan: If you decide to start your […]

What to do if you cannot afford a $10 a month business opportunity

Believe it or not, I often get responses from prospects complaining they don’t have enough money to afford a $10.00 a month business opportunity like Global Domains International (also known as GDI).  I’m sorry to say this, but $10.00 a month, with no large upfront fee to get started is about as cheap as a business […]

Recommended 3 steps to make easy money online

I have been preaching this for over a year now at Sign Up and Make Money, but this is my first Blog post on the subject. I recommend the combination of 3 money making sites to succeed online. This is only a suggestion, it has worked for me and it’s a very inexpensive way to […]

With GDI you only need to refer 10 to break even

The thing I love about GDI, otherwise known as Global Domains International, and other low cost business opportunities is that you only need to refer a few people in order to get into profit. A low initial investment to start an online business opportunity is really a great advantage compared to a lot of other […]

Robert Kiyosaki Talks about Pre-Paid Legal.

The author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” Robert Kiyosaki, talks about Pre-Paid Legal having one of the best compensation plans out there as well as one of the best products to sell. One thing I’ve learned from Robert Kiyosaki is that there are three ways to start your own business. The most expensive and hardest […]

TMI Wireless, a favorite business opportunity of mine.

One of my most favorite business opportunities is TMI Wireless. I really like it because it is free to join. There are so many opportunities out there that cost an arm and a leg to get started in. This is before you even make any money with them. It seems to be successful in any […]

Pre-Paid Legal Business Opportunity

Pre-Paid Legal is a great way to start your own business from home. Although it is only available to those of us located in the United States and Canada. I have been doing the business since 2005 and have been making extra income from it ever since. At first I was skeptical that I would […]